
  • na.avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion
  • 网络avoid arousing suspicion; avoid suspicion; avert suspicion



avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion

... 207. 避税 tax avoidance 208. 避嫌 avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion 209. 毕业设计 graduation design ...

avoid arousing suspicion

Sinograma - Diccionario de... ... 避世[ retire from the world] 避嫌[ avoid arousing suspicion] 避邪[ ward off evil] ...

avoid suspicion

嫌_英文... ... 嫌气细菌1. anaerobic bacteria avoid suspicion 避嫌 bear resentment against sb. and retaliate 挟嫌报复 ...

avert suspicion

雅思词汇:躲闪躲避的词汇及表... ... shirk one's responsibility 逃避责任; avert suspicion 避嫌; shun the problem 回避问题; ...


a 一aa 丝aaag 丝绒aaak 丝织aaan 丝绸aaar... ... sknb 研究 skne 避嫌 sknk 譬如 ...

Conflict of Interests

如果是那样的话,基金问题一旦揭开,莫虎可能不得不避嫌Conflict of Interests)。这个说的通,有可能。
