
  • na.speak in equivocal terms
  • 网络use ambiguous language; beat about the bush; Speak Ambiguously



use ambiguous language

... 成语 模棱两可 be ambiguous 成语 隐约其辞 use ambiguous language 成语 口惠而实不至 make a promise and not keep it ...

beat about the bush

隐能组什么... ... 48. 隐喻[ metaphor] 49. 隐约其辞[ use ambiguous language;beat about the bush;speak in equivocal terms] ...

speak in equivocal terms

隐能组什么... ... 48. 隐喻[ metaphor] 49. 隐约其辞[ use ambiguous language;beat about the bush;speak in equivocal terms] ...

Speak Ambiguously

什么意思... ... ambiguously worded 措辞含糊 Speak Ambiguously 隐约其辞 Chase Replied Ambiguously 追回答含糊 ...
