
  • na.be beaten by wind and waves
  • 网络be battered by a storm; Wind and waves; the wind blows and the storm beats down



be battered by a storm

... 风吹浪打— —be beaten by wind and waves;be battered by a storm 风大雨狂— —the wind is high and the rains pour down ...

be beaten by wind and waves

... 风吹浪打— —be beaten by wind and waves;be battered by a storm 风大雨狂— —the wind is high and the rains pour down ...

Wind and waves

任它风吹浪打(Wind and waves),封盘(Entertained)血本永远不动,将涨停向来封至尾盘。判断一个人,不是根据他自己的表白 …

the wind blows and the storm beats down

... 风传[ hearsay;rumour] 风吹浪打[ the wind blows and the storm beats down] 风吹雨打[ disturbance in the wind and rain] ...
