
  • na.be all the rage [mode]
  • 网络be popular for a while; become a fad of the time; be all the fashion



all the rage

)))))好词组(((((_华东师大一附中吧_百度贴吧 ... spread the word 传话 all the rage 风行一时 fly into a rage 暴跳如雷 ...

be popular for a while

... 风行[ be in fashion;be popular] 风行一时[ be popular for a while;become a fad of the time] 风雅[ elegant;refined] ...

become a fad of the time

... 风行[ be in fashion;be popular] 风行一时[ be popular for a while;become a fad of the time] 风雅[ elegant;refined] ...

be all the fashion

········_我是谁家猪吧_百度贴吧 ... far and wide 到处 be all the fashion 风行一时 fasten one’s eyes on 注视 ...

all the go

go... ... all systems go 一切就绪,一应俱全,万事如意 all the go 非常流行,风行一时 anywhere you go 无论走到哪里,到处 ...

be the rage

英语习语 from Yueyaer... ... 35.be the case = 情况如此 36.be the rage = 风行一时. 40.beyond sb = 令人 …
