
美 [klæs]英 [klɑːs]
  • n.班;课;上课;班级
  • adj.很好的;优秀的;出色的
  • v.把…看作(或分类、归类)
  • 网络类别(classification);等级;纲

复数:classes 现在分词:classing 过去式:classed



教育in education

1.[cspv]班;班级a group of students who are taught together

2.[c][u]课;上课an occasion when a group of students meet to be taught

3.[c](某科目的)系列课程a series of classes on a particular subject

4.[cspv]同届毕业生a group of students who finish their studies at school, college or university in a particular year

社会in society

5.[cspv]阶级;阶层one of the groups of people in a society that are thought of as being at the same social or economic level

6.[u]社会等级the way that people are divided into different social and economic groups

人╱动物群体group of people/animals

7.[c]种类;类别;等级a group of people, animals or things that have similar characteristics or qualities


8.[u]优雅;典雅;高超an elegant quality or a high level of skill that is impressive

火车;飞机in train/plane

9.[c]等级;舱位等级each of several different levels of comfort that are available to travellers in a plane, etc.

大学学位of university degree

10.[c](英国学位考试的)等级one of the levels of achievement in a British university degree exam

(class)一个单独的as文件,类是用来描述一个对象(面对对象的编程模式)的,Adobe建议每个类就是一个单独的文件,文件名 …


类别型态:经由类别class)的宣告而得到。如果 Car 是一个类别,而 aCar 是一个这个类别的变数,则 Car 便是 aCar 的型 …


理工-家里蹲大学 ... 宿舍 space 班级 Class 办公楼 office ...


网路部分又可分为位址的等级Class)、电脑所在的网区域号码, 网路部份用来表示此主机所连接的网路编号。 主机部分则 …

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... more pron. 更多的;更大的 class n. 班级;(一节) interesting adj. 有趣的;令人感兴趣的 ...

但由 (Class) 开始已经唔同啦!!!牡蛎系双壳纲 (Bivalvia), 而鲍鱼系腹足纲 (Gastropoda)宝贝呢, 就只系指 Cypraea 呢个 genus …


将"阶级"(class)这个要命的词扩大到机械,将"斗争"(struggle)这个更要命的词延伸到公路,你会有许多可怕的发现,让你心惊胆战,不 …
