- v.飞;飞翔;飞行;飞逝
- n.苍蝇;假蝇;(裤子的)前裆开口;门帘
- adj.机灵的;机警的;不会上当的;时髦迷人的
- 网络高飞球;飞行的;打出高飞球
过去式:flew flown 过去式:flew 第三人称单数:flies 现在分词:flying 过去分词:flown

鸟;昆虫of bird/insect
1.[i](+ adv./prep.)飞;飞翔to move through the air, using wings
2.[i](+ adv./prep.)(在空中或宇宙)飞行,航行to move through air or space
3.[i](乘航空器或航天器)航行,飞行to travel in an aircraft or a spacecraft
4.[t][i]~ (sth)驾驶(飞机等);操纵(飞行器等)to control an aircraft, etc. in the air
5.[t]+ adv./prep.空运(货物或乘客)to transport goods or passengers in a plane
6.[t]~ sth乘飞行器飞越(海洋或陆地)to travel over an ocean or area of land in an aircraft
快速╱突然移动move quickly/suddenly
7.[i](+ adv./prep.)疾驰;疾行;快速移动to go or move quickly
8.[i](+ adv./prep.)猛然移动to move suddenly and with force
时间of time
9.[i]飞逝to seem to pass very quickly
10.[i][t](旗)飘扬;升,悬挂(旗)if a flagflies , or if youfly it, it is displayed, for example on a long pole
自由移动move freely
11.[i]自由移动to move around freely
13.[t][i]~ (sth)(从…)逃走,逃跑to escape from sb/sth
计划of plan
14.[i]成功to be successful
fly the coop
逃走to escape from a place
fly high
成功to be successful
fly in the face of sth
悍然不顾;公然违抗;与…相悖to oppose or be the opposite of sth that is usual or expected
fly into a rage, temper, etc.
勃然大怒to become suddenly very angry
(go) fly a/your kite
走开;别烦人;别插手used to tell sb to go away and stop annoying you or interfering
fly the nest
羽翼已丰可离巢to become able to fly and leave its nest
fly off the handle
大发雷霆to suddenly become very angry
go flying
跌倒;(尤指)绊了一跤to fall, especially as a result of not seeing sth under your feet
let fly (at sb/sth) (with sth)
(用…)打;(向某人)大发雷霆to attack sb by hitting them or speaking angrily to them