
  • n.department of architecture
  • 网络Department of Architecture; Architecture Department; School of Architecture



Department of Architecture

College... ... 教学机构 Teaching Organizations 建筑系 Department of Architecture 城市规划系 Department of Urban Planning ...

Architecture Department

  一 建筑系(Architecture Department)  概况   建筑系现设有建筑学、城市规划、工业设计3个本科专业。

School of Architecture

美国留学推荐之辛辛那提大学 ... School of Design 设计系 School of Architecture 建筑系 Architecture 建筑 ...

Dept. of Architecture

英文个人简历中英... ... 应用数学系 Dept.of Applied Mathematics 建筑系 Dept. of Architecture 考古学系 Dept.of Archaeology ...

Master of Architecture

在菲律宾... ... Bachelor of Music( 音乐系) Master of Architecture( 建筑系) Master of Business Administration( 企业管理系) ...

Architecture & Related Programs

... SAT II: 参考 Architecture & Related Programs 建筑系 Area,Ethnic,Cultural,& Gender Studies , 地区,文明,性别文化系 ...

Building and Construction

香港留学... ... Media and Communication 媒体与传播系 Building and Construction 建筑系 Electronic Engineering 电子工程学系 ...
