
  • 网络abuse of power; détournement de pouvoir; abused power



abuse of power

权力滥用,abuse of... ... ) It's a stretch of power. 那是权力的滥用。 ) abuse of power 权力滥用 ) abuse of rights 权力滥用 ...

détournement de pouvoir

狄骥在描述“权力滥用”(détournement de pouvoir)概念———这一概念是前述“自由裁量行为概念在公法领域的消失”的原因—…

abused power

【abused】什么意思_英语abused在线翻译_有道词典 ... Abused Patrons 辱骂顾客 abused power 权力滥用 Not Abused 但不 …

Abuse of civil rights

华译网翻译公司翻译服... ... Abuse of authority 滥用权力 Abuse of civil rights 权力滥用 Abuse of discretion 滥用自由裁量权 ...

Power Abuse against Ethnic Minorities

Welcome to Hong Kong Unison ... 林宝案 The Limbu's case 权力滥用 Power Abuse against Ethnic Minorities ...

Power abuse against ethnic minoritie

Welcome to Hong... ... 权力滥用 Power abuse against ethnic minoritie 使用其他公共服务 Access to Other Public Services ...

abuse of rights

权力滥用,abuse of... ... ) abuse of power 权力滥用 ) abuse of rights 权力滥用 ) power abusing 权力滥用 ...

practices of corruption and power abuse

要求公开“三公消费”表明腐败行为和权力滥用practices of corruption and power abuse)会削弱公众对政府的信心(impair the …
