
  • 网络wait-and-see attitude; an expectant attitude; wait-and-see approach



wait-and-see attitude

西安非凡翻译社 ... 101. deathblow 致命的一击 102. wait-and-see attitude 观望态度 103. shopping excursion 逛街购物 ...

an expectant attitude

expectant英语的解释,expectant的英语翻... ... an expectant mother 孕妇 an expectant attitude 观望态度 n. 1. 预期者,期待者 ...

wait-and-see approach

...,才决定会否收购他手上的45%股份,认为二弟抱着「观望态度 (wait-and-see approach)」,根本未肯作任何实质承诺。

wait-and-watch attitude

房地产业相关词语选译 ... 购房契税 property deed tax 观望态度 wait-and-watch attitude 经济适用房 affordable housing ...

an attitude of drift

这个词组是什么意思... ... catch the drift of an argument 抓住争论的要点 an attitude of drift 观望态度 论坛 BBS ...

a wait-and-see attitude

百度词典搜索... ... ...a wait-and-see attitude. 观望态度 he decided to lie in wait for the thief. 他决定埋伏等待那个小偷。 ...


态度-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 温和的(态度等) bland 观望态度 straddle 以高傲的态度对待 disdain ...
