
  • n.tax according contract
  • 网络deed tax; Contract Tax; Transfer Tax



deed tax

财务英语英汉对照表 (D) - MBA智库百科 ... deed of trust 信托契据 deed tax 契税 deep discount bonds 大幅度折价债券 ...

Contract Tax

营业税和消费税 ... 城市房产税 real estate tax 契税 contract tax 农业特产税 original-agriculture-product tax ...

Transfer Tax

Taxes and Fees - Shanghai Real Estate ... Foundation Plan 地基图 Transfer Tax 契税 Stamp Duty 印花税 ...

tax on deeds

deed-英汉词典... ... tax for the examination of deeds {n.}验契税 tax on deeds {n.}契税 tenor of a deed {n.}契据要旨 ...

tax on dividends

常用税种(中英对照)_中华会计网校 ... Tax on deposit 股息税 Tax on dividends 契税 Tax on earning from employment 雇佣 …

the contract tax

税务英语二十课 ... Vocabulary 词汇 the contract tax 契税 administration 管理部门 ...

Tax for acquisition of real estate

建筑名词购... ... 土地增值税 Tax for acquisition of land trade。 契税 Tax for acquisition of real estate。 地价税 Land tax。 ...

Tax on Contracts

2003年广东省财政一般预算收支决算总表 ... 19.国防支出 Expenditure for National Defense 20.契税 Tax on Contracts ...
